Tuesday, October 4, 2011

What does taking 24 tramadol do to you because i know someone who takes 24 because he says it him up?

the person i know says it ***** him up pretty good, how can it do that its just a pain killer isnt it? and what would it do if u you took 2-4 of them, not that im going to i was just wondering how a pain killer could mess you up or if it really even can.<br/>
It is synthetic codeine. The problem with take too much of Tramadol or Codeine is that your central nervous system become impaired, and you can actually stop breathing. To the person who said it is a muscle relaxer? You are wrong as it is classified as a pain killer.<br/>
<b>Tramadol</b> sucks and is not a great pain killer it is a muscle relaxer so it it is likely put him to sleep. dumb @ss<br/>
Sylvan Grove<br/>
4) <b>TRAMADOLa</b>) Classificationi) An analgesic medication upon a binal mode aristocratic acting(1) Mu opioid receptor agonist(make smart) Monoamine reuptake inhibitorfrom www. vasg. orgIt can make you feel &quot;messed up&quot; in a corresponding seigniory to hydrocodone. However, it can mix poorly with anti-depressants and can active element serotonin storms.<br/>
It certainly will mess up someone without an opiate tolerance and even if I took 4 (I have a large tolerance), I'd be high as a kite. Only problem I find with it is that while things like Percocet (oxycodone) and Vicodin (hydrocodone) give me energy, Tramadol makes me sleepy and I tend to nod out on it. <br/>

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