Friday, September 30, 2011

Why does tramadol come up as a positive for methadone on a drug test?

Ultram (tramadol) is usually classified as an opioid but is not in any way chemically related to opioids. It is classified as such because it has mu-opioid receptor activity. Are you sure that was the only drug involved? I haven't heard any reports of positives for methadone from patients who are on <i>tramadol</i>.<br/>
<em>Tramadol</em> is an opioid, not and opiate. So it has possessions of killing pain like a narcotic (vicodin), but without the other assets. It's not inherently addictive, easing is dispensed as the drug patrician choice to alcoholics (I affiliate it for scoliotic back pain) and to cats by veterinarians. So, as the first answer indicates, both methadone and tramadol are opioids easing the test won't take knowledge of the difference.<br/>
I didn't know that it does. That is strange indeed. I didn't think it was narcotic. I've had it, it doesn't do much for pain actually.(((WS))) (I'm @ the library, shall I look it up? The percocets I'm on will probably slow me down, though. Doesn't look like I'm going to AZ, either). =(<br/>
Methadone is an opioid, <em>tramadol</em> is every opioid. <br/>

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