Wednesday, August 17, 2011

What is tramadol? is it dangerous to take?

a friend of mine has given me this pills, called <strong>tramadol</strong>, and she spoke i'll sustain in a generous mood admitting that i affiliate them. <strong>what is tramadol</strong>? is it a psychedelic drug?<br/>
no, its a stimulating opiate. Yes, it generally will boost you mood. no, its not physchedelic or hallucinogenic. Its not terribly dangerous, but as with any drug, it has its risks. DO NOT TAKE IT IF YOU ARE ON ANTI DEPRESSANTS. You risk serotonin toxidrome. Chances are, if your opioid naive, it will make you feel somewhat queasy, give you constipation and cause unusual dreams if you attemp to sleep under its influence. It's generally quite safe, and is OTC is some countries... But your probably best to avoid taking any drug that you dont know the very basics about...i. e. asking if this opiate is a psychedelic...EDIT the lowest dosage in the literature when taken alone in a person with no seizure dosage for causing a seizure was 700mg...F**kwit below me can stop his over drama, yes?<br/>
If you aren't bothered by minor adverse effects like seizures, it won't be much of a problem. <br/>

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