Monday, August 22, 2011

My bff takes 4 ultram tramadol and feels quotrealquot good ??? can ultram give you a opiate type sensation?

<em>Tramadol</em> is a created being-made (synthetic) analgesic (pain reliever). Its faithful utensils of simulation is unknown but-end allied morphine. Like morphine, <strong>tramadol</strong> binds far off receptors in the brain (opioid receptors) that are dogmatic for transmitting the sensation of high rank pain from throughout the body a long way off. Tramadol, affect other narcotics used to counter-poise the treatment of pain, may be abused. <strong>Tramadol</strong> is not a nonsteroidal antiinflammatory remedial agent (NSAID) easing does not have the increased risk of stomach ulceration and internal venesection what one. be possible to occur with NSAIDs.<br/>
It's a pain medication, so it can give you a high, but not like opium...they are completely different. Plus, she should never take four at a time, because it is extremely dangerous.<br/>
Not really since tramadol is a synthetic and is designed to attach to pain receptors, what your boyfriend is feeling are his serotonin levels rising and it is pretty irresponsible for him to take 4 (200mg?) at 1 time. I am a chronic pain patient and have taken alot of time to learn about the drugs that I have to put into my body I have a hard time believing that your boyfriends idea of feeling real good is equated to anything like a opiate side effect.<br/>
Stony Creek<br/>
Well, contrary to the answers before mine, tramadol CAN give an opiate type sensation because IT IS AN OPIATE!!!!! Tramadol is a very weak semi-synthetic opiate thats derived from codeine, much like hydrocodone (vicodin), among other things. It is unlikely that tramdol would give a high, just because its very weak, like 10% the strength of morphine, and about as strong as codeine, but it is possible and can also cause the same type of opiate addiction as anything else, including withdrawal, its just less likely. For anyone saying that tramdol is synthetic, and therefore won't give a high, other semi-synthetic opiates include hydrocodone (vicodin) , hydromorphone (dilaudid), oxycodone (oxycontin/percocet), oxymorphone (opana) and diamorphine (heroin). So, if that was true, people wouldn't become addicted to oxycontin or heroin either. Fully synthetic opiates include fentanyl, demerol, and methadone, and many people say methadone addiction can be the worst of all. So, just because its not a &quot;pure&quot; opiate, doesn't mean anything, because the only common pure opiates are codeine and morphine. <br/>

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