Saturday, July 2, 2011

Why Pressure Care Products Are Vital For People Needing Care

For any person residing in a care home or patient staying in a hospital, pressure sores arising from remaining in the same position for a length of time can become a major issue, especially if the sore progresses into later grades of seriousness. Pressure care products can help to not only prevent pressure sores, but can also help the patient enjoy a much more comfortable position, whether sitting up or lying down.

Pressure sores are often most common when the person is lying down for long stretches of time, possibly due to illness, long term conditions or if they are entering the final stages of life, but there is no doubt that they can be extremely painful and uncomfortable if they become quite aggressive.

The areas that bed sores are often most common include:




Inside of ankles

Inside of knees



Hospitals and care homes often grade pressure sores on a scale of 1 – 4, with 1 being the least severe and 4 being one of the most painful sores and also one of the most dangerous in terms of possible long term effects.

Pressure sores are one of the most common issues that can arise from long term hospitalisation or periods in care homes, especially for people that struggle to move around easily or are bed ridden due to various complaints and illness. When patients and people needing care lose or begin losing the ability to move around with ease, pressure sores can become one of the most painful conditions to affect the patient.

Pressure sores can lead to many complications, but the most obvious are immense pain and infection.  If the infection happens in a hospital environment then we all know the dangers, but even the smallest infection at home can quickly develop into something much more serious. Many people just see pressure sores as an inconvenience, which they undoubtedly are, but they can become something much more worrying if they are left untreated.

Pressure care products can be a vital resource when it comes to preventing pressure sores as they can act as a barrier between the patient and the bed, meaning that you can help to prevent pressure sores occurring even if the patient does lack the mobility to move around freely and with such ease.

Pressure care products are traditionally made of foam or are air filled, but the latest design uses micro beads which are proving to be a turning point in pressure care products. This unique design and technology tends to be far more efficient when it comes to preventing the sores occurring, because the beads roll around with the body and skin, rather than just acting like a pillow, moving in the same direction as the body, preventing shearing.  The skin becomes thinner as we get older, increasing the risk of pressure areas.


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