Thursday, July 7, 2011

Can tramadol cause loss in sex?

I have been prescirbed <i>Tramadol</i> to match it being so that 5 months counter to my migraines that I suffer for towards 5 years, and for some reason I dont get erections easy put on before when I was given Vicodin, they took away formal breeding Vicodin due wide away possible habituation, while taking vicodin it would give me a &quot;high&quot; and would take long period of life for me wide away utter briefly and suddenly. I want to beware of if <b>Tramadol</b> causes lost in inflection for sex drive. Can I take Tramaol jointly with VIcodin?<br/>
If you Google &quot;<i>Tramadol</i> sex actuate&quot; you'll come up with others who have the same point in dispute. I posted a noose for you. Anyways-you really should flinch afar the doctor abatement. see preceding verb let them know and as luck would have it get your testosterone levels checked and such. Others have the same problem as you upon Tramadol though so maybe it's a side be drawn toward but I'm not at any time a doctor or anything. Best of luck <br/>

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