Monday, May 16, 2011

Precautions & homeopathic treatment for eczema


Eczema is the of long duration disease related to the skin or exterior side of the dermal layer of material substance. As a result of this distemper there are produced scaly rashes up~ the skin that are itchy and this class of the dermal layer is steady in nature. The most commonly occurring eczema is the Atopic Eczema in addition known as Atopic Dermatitis. Atopic indeed indicates that category of diseases that tend to hay fever, asthma and other allergic provisions.

Causes of Eczema:

What exactly causes Eczema is not notwithstanding known but it is believed that there are certain overreactions by the immune theory of the body in response to more triggers that are not known.

As the trouble of fact, Eczema is also plant occurring in people who belong to a subdivision of an order in which any ever suffered from asthma or other allergic diseases.

Eczema is likewise caused when a person has more itchy rash on the skin of at all part of body and that hare-brained bloats up if come in junction with a particular condition or gist.

There can be a situation at what time by mere coming in contact with some coarse or rough material, itchiness starts to unravel in that part of the pelt.

Many feel excessive heat and cold or abnormal responses of skin to cleansing or soaps or dander of animals and advance in successive rashes and itching of skin.

If a living body has such skin reactions and at the same time want from stress, the situation may win worsen.

Symptoms of Eczema:

The symptoms are shown clearly without interrupti~ the affected portion of the hide. The changes occurring in skin have power to be:

Blisters with crusts

Tenderness of the skin by scratching

Change in skin color (the pelt becomes either abnormally dark or light in shade)

Lichenification: these are thickened areas ~ward skin that feel as hard because leather. This happens after a prolonged pest.

Other than skin, there are confident problems with ears like bleeding and discharge.

Rashes be at variance in locations-



Children whose age is in the regions of the dead two years:

Lesions start to be known on facial skin, feet and hands and scalp.


Adults and children over two years:

Rashes appear on internal portion of elbows and knees.

However granting that the break out of the ail is sudden, rashes can emerge without interrupti~ any portion of the body.

Precautions & homeopathic usage for eczema:

Homeopathy says if a single one of the eruptions or other shallow diseases of the skin are tried to be suppressed, there can be caused greater degree of internal severe problems. So it becomes surpassingly important to follow necessary Precautions & homeopathic method of treating for eczema as this is the but method to remove the deeply put roots of any disease. Various homeopathic remedies since Eczema are:

Arsenicum album- works to counterbalance anxiousness and restlessness felt during through the disease.

Arum triphyllum- effective in opposition to rashes on facial portion or diminish portion of the mouth.

Calendula- prevents sentient skin from catching infections

Graphite- used to help leathery hard skin due to Eczema

Hepar sulphuris calcareum- since patients of chronic eczema

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