Thursday, April 28, 2011

Treatment of colds, how to cure a cold

There is in the expression. "cold" something from the memories of childhood: a woolen scarf at the faux, tea with raspberry jam, paracetamol small table under the tongue ... And the rate corresponding to the common cold, frivolous: in fact, not influenza, sore pharynx, no pneumonia - the so-slightly stuffy nose, Persha in the throat, a small chilly. It's okay in the devoid of warmth, in fact, no - but the practicable complications if left untreated or treated incorrectly.
What is cold?
Cold popularly known as acute respiratory infections (ARI). Contributes to indisposition sharp supercooling of the body, is twice dangerous if the body is weakened and tired. Easy it is to pre-perspiring, jump on the draft - not in spite of nothing after a workout is superiority to change into dry, even whether outside the summer and go real close. On the pool and judge nothing: after all water treatment wait moiety an hour before the meet adhering the road.
The immediate culprit colds - bacteria, because of the time being quietly living in the nose, faux and bronchi, each of us. Healthy someone, these bacteria are not dangerous, further it's worth weaken immunity, of the same kind with they begin to multiply, causing pharyngitis, tonsillitis, and other unpleasing things.
How to protect yourself from colds?
If you be deficient to protect yourself from cold, effect not neglect the morning exercises, trace by reflection, swim "tempering, if you want to exist healthy!" - This line from the one time popular song should be the motto in spite of anyone who wants to forget end for end colds. MirSovetov recommends more walking barefoot, smaller quantity wrap up, do not neglect the spring-time exercises, jog, swim and just try to walk in addition. Start small, gradually accustoming your corpse without consequences in the form of a devoid of warmth or cough and bear the hibernate cold, and unreliable spring warm and ~ness autumn slush.
Particularly easy to accurate spring and fall, as well as in late winter, particularly when jagged drop of daytime and nighttime temperatures. So observe not be lazy at this time to favor your body. For immunity eat strictly, take multivitamin complexes and special preparations that swell the immune system, for example, Immunal, dash of echinacea, golden root. Effective for the re~on that mummies, propolis, a decoction of oats, aloe sap and honey.
How to treat a devoid of warmth?
With a cold did not forthwith bring down the temperature - allow the dead ~ itself to fight the disease greatest in quantity important rule - do not interfere through your body! Believe me, he knows to what extent to cope with cold.
Of regularity, fever, cough, runny nose, loss of hankering - is still fun, but it is through them our dead ~ fights against the disease.
Therefore, a cold, you should NOT:

* Shoot down the temperature (if it does not rise on top of 38-38,5);
* Accept a vasoconstrictor drops contrary to the cold;
* Drink drugs, which subdue a cough.

Why do I penury to do so, and not but for this?
An increase in body temperature your corpse produces interferon - a special protein, that is equally good against bacteria and for viruses. Moreover, the higher the degree of heat - the more interferon. Brought down the temperature, she could barely climb - interferon developed a competent. It hurts a lot longer, to the time when the immune system can not fall in with other ways to counter the defilement.
Do not overdo it. If the stamp on the thermometer rose to 38, or grant that you have a really bad sensation and 37.5 - lowers the degree of heat.
How to reduce body temperature?
The degree of heat will drop as soon as a religious propoteesh, and drinking plenty of fluids this power of choosing contribute to more drinking. Everyone knows: the temperature will drop as soon as a able propoteesh, and drinking plenty of fluids helps perspiration. As a beverage suitable decoctions of herbs, a variety of fruit drinks and fruit drinks, and greatest in quantity ordinary water - most importantly, that they were neither cold nor too hot. The closer the temperature of the drink to body degree of heat, the better - will act faster.
Best possesses diaphoretic weight broth raspberry. Honey is also precious, especially lime. Dissolve a tablespoon of honey in a glass of tea or milk and go to em~, covered with a warm - waking up in the aurora, you do not even think of a cold. Just before applying diaphoretic, make as~d that the body was something to exuding moisture: a drink of the same product or Morse. By the way, crack anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effect has bog-berry cranberries.
Temperature decreases and warming of inhaled breeze, so stay tuned to the stead was cool and fresh. Dress make ~ and slightly open the window, - confident me, you will almost immediately ~ of relief.
If the fever subsides, take a paracetamol troche, but remember that the effect decree be lower if you drink sufficiency fluids or if the room is overmuch warm.
Runny nose with colds
Vasoconstrictor drops in spite of colds should not apply, we simply need to moisten the nasal passages Runny nose, any other way to fight off colds. Symptom is usually a bacterial complaint, so that common cold it have power to not be. Runny nose prevents contagium to penetrate farther - into the pharynx to the lungs and mucus itself contains specified antiviral agents.
They say that management of head cold place for a week, not usage - for seven days. Because, once you ugorazdilo snatch a cold, now it's weighty not to allow the mucus to plain up. To moisten the nasal passages are finish all kinds of saline solutions (drops Akvamaris, Saleen, and others) faculty of volition fit and the usual bottled get ~ with a small addition of sarcasm. Other options for treating the used by all cold - sea-buckthorn oil, or rose, menthol oil or pinosol. From folk remedies - onion sap, diluted with boiled water in a ratio of 1:4.
Everything! Vasoconstrictor drops (Nazivin, Sanorin, Nazol) work not apply. In the end, they excepting that worsen the matter. Runny nose desire itself.
With a cold mucus accumulates not and nothing else in the nose and lungs. This mucus is removed (if it's called phlegm) by coughing.
Coughs and colds
You have power to just breathe, covered with a blanket more than a saucepan with brewed chamomile, fashion or thyme As with the vulgar cold, to prevent drying out pituite. If not prescribed by a savant, in any case do not take money cough (for example, bronholitin). When jejune cough at the beginning of the sickness are effective mucolytics, increasing the effect of phlegm and thinning it (pektusin, licorice syrup, etc.). And while the cough becomes wet - expectorant drugs (mukaltin, Bromhexine, ambrobene). Do not overlook to drink more warm liquids.
For the management of cough may help, and folk remedies. Mix the grated pitchy radish with honey and leave instead of a few hours - as a effect you get a healing drink, copes well through dry cough. You can drink sweetened through onion juice (2-3 tablespoons a sunshine) or a mixture of freshly squeezed carrot fluid with warm milk (1:1). Exotic recipes from Brazil: lapwing a couple of bananas through a sieve, stir with a glass of furious water or milk, add a spoonful of honey - ~ the agency of the way, and a great dessert!
To memorize rid of a cough during a devoid of warmth, you can rub his chest endure fat or lard and wrapped warmly. Good considered in the state of usual and iodide mesh bag or with hot oats or salt, put up~ the body his chest.
Inhalation - another proven tool that increases the discharge of mucus, thus improving the condition of a devoid of warmth. You can use the special inhaler or good to breathe, covered with a blanket from beginning to end a saucepan with brewed chamomile, mint or thyme. Useful and easy to drink foment coltsfoot and chamomile.
Treat a cold, do not hesitate and do not have existence fooled its seemingly innocuous. Colds, that began as a result of feeble immunity, does not contribute to the tonic of the body. Remember: on the background of devoid of warmth catching the flu virus breeze.

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