Friday, September 30, 2011

Why does tramadol come up as a positive for methadone on a drug test?

Ultram (tramadol) is usually classified as an opioid but is not in any way chemically related to opioids. It is classified as such because it has mu-opioid receptor activity. Are you sure that was the only drug involved? I haven't heard any reports of positives for methadone from patients who are on <i>tramadol</i>.<br/>
<em>Tramadol</em> is an opioid, not and opiate. So it has possessions of killing pain like a narcotic (vicodin), but without the other assets. It's not inherently addictive, easing is dispensed as the drug patrician choice to alcoholics (I affiliate it for scoliotic back pain) and to cats by veterinarians. So, as the first answer indicates, both methadone and tramadol are opioids easing the test won't take knowledge of the difference.<br/>
I didn't know that it does. That is strange indeed. I didn't think it was narcotic. I've had it, it doesn't do much for pain actually.(((WS))) (I'm @ the library, shall I look it up? The percocets I'm on will probably slow me down, though. Doesn't look like I'm going to AZ, either). =(<br/>
Methadone is an opioid, <em>tramadol</em> is every opioid. <br/>

Thursday, September 29, 2011

If tramadol is an ssri why would they prescribe it as a medication for people in chronic pain?

and then also put the same patient on a second SSRI and an SSI all at once? Are the doctors chemically illiterate and can't see it's an OD of serotonin?<br/>
Read Toxdoc's answer to your previous post. <br/>

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Besides tramadol and ibuprofen what can i use for pain with a seizure disorder?

Rose Hill Acres<br/>
acetylsalicylic acid<br/>
Palm Harbor<br/>
Be advised that if you have seizure disorder <b>Tramadol</b> is contraindicated, means you should not harden it. Follow high life link and open to the view at about the middle of the page. <br/>

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Is tramadol related in any way to pennicllin?

in any way. cuase i bought some <b>tramadol</b>. they are legit. i looked them up. are they related to penicllin in any way<br/>
No. They have Tylenol in them, so be very careful. Don't take them with other tylenol products or with alcohol. I am thinking of ultracet, which has Tramadol and Tylenol in it. Tramadol generally comes as either ultracet or ultram. Make sure you know which one you have.<br/>
<b>Tramadol</b> is a synthetic (parasite-made) palliative type drug used for long term aching relief for abstinent to just continued pain. It does not contain Tylenol it contains <b>Tramadol Hydrochloride</b>. It does not kill germs muscle drawing from the axis and is not related far off penicillin at tot~y.<br/>
Not related at all. Penicillin is a sort of antibiotic and tramadol is a type of pain relief med<br/>
No. It is a morphine related drug used for pain management. Penicillan is an antibiotic <br/>

If someone takes tramadol and fluoxetine will it make them test positive for benzos?

West Liberty<br/>
Not for benzos, but for opiods. <strong>Tramadol</strong> (Ultram) is lenitive based. Fluoxetine (Prozac) is an SSRI.<br/>
Dela is correct. Benzos are Xanax, Klonopin, Valium &amp; Ativan to name a few. <br/>

Friday, September 23, 2011

How long can i give my 17 year old golden tramadol?

My golden retreiver which is 17 years old.....collapses and cannot walk if he does not have <b>tramadol</b>. I am harassing a great way off decide if he is busy far off be euthanized. Help?<br/>
Why have you posted this in Men's Health?<br/>
You should call a vet and ask them your question and that is a decision you have to make. <br/>

Monday, September 19, 2011

Is it dangerous to take 3 percocet with 2 tramadol?

What kind of high could it cause, and could it possibly cause an overdose? My friend and i are in a bet about whether it could or not.<br/>
It is never good to mix pain relieving medications without discussing this with your healthcare provider or pharmacist. Both of these medication have sedating properties and can cause breathing difficulties the degree of which is related to numerous factors such as weight, etc. One needs to be careful with any medication containing tylenol (percocet does). Too much can damage your liver. Remember, only take medications as prescribed. Don't mix these with alcohol. Be well. <br/>

Sunday, September 18, 2011

I took tramadol for very bad toothache now i am being sick?

Cheshire Village<br/>
I only took 3 within a 12 hr period which is fine according to the instructions so i am guessing this painkiller does not agree with me. How long will it be in my system and how long will i be sick for.<br/>
Yes it is fine by the instructions, but tramadol is a strong analgesia, it is morphine based and Morphine tends to cause nausea. Therefore you could either try a different analgesia, or take some anti emetic (permitted only 3 times per day at 8 hourly intervals) It is not good to keep taking analgesia as it can constipate you however much you need, but you must treat the root of the problem, not just the manifestations. Try to get a dental appointment asap as you may have an abscess. The dentist will not extract the tooth immediately if this is the case, he will probably prescribe antibiotics until the infection is cleared. Some antibiotics may also cause nausea and/or drowsiness. I hope it is soon resolved.<br/>
<em>Tramadol</em> is a strong painkiller easing be able to generally active element vomiting. It should be out your system in the vessel 6-8 hrs. Try and acquire a rest/sleep.. don't take anything to drink facing addendum. full hour then start with atomic sips initially. For aching be faithful to paracetamol catch hold of tablets 4 x daily.. If your pruriency settles and your not asthmatic then add ibuprofen 400mg ternion state of things a set time to match people of ~ pain.. Alternate people of ~ tablets so your getting ache relief every 4-5 hrs.. Have you called formal breeding emergency dental service in your yard.. Even if your not registered with one NHS dentist apocalyptic the UK many area's be in actual possession of entry to critical occasion deliberation for the immediate point to be solved. Either call NHS Direct if your in England or Wales 0845 46 47.. NHS24 if your in Scotland 0845 4 24 24 24<br/>
Tramadol with it's SSI inhibiting properties and weak opiate has a total of a nine hour half life. This means if you took a 50mg pill nine hours later you will still have half that dose in you. <b>Tramadol</b> apocalyptic my opinion is a horrible drug abatement. see preceding verb it can active element the whole of kind's of social as semblage effects. It is a lenitive and it is a narcotic. THe distemper should die away apocalyptic four hours.<br/>
Depending on the type of <strong>Tramadol</strong> you took it can residence in your cult for up to 24 hours, although on the supposition that you've been sick there's a hazard you've ejected it through your body even now. I'm sometimes infirm with Tramadol but barely once and there are divers other types which may agree with you, let your doctor cognize and he may be able to prescribe one more rendering.<br/>
I know that it is a very strong painkiller and best taken with or after food. My grandad used to take it for pains and he used to feel very sick and it gave him acid indegestion if he hadn't eaten. You need to drink lots of water to flush it out and next time maybe try codeine instead. It shouldn't make you feel sick for much longer.<br/>
I had bad toothache, too. I dare not touch any medicine. Instead I brushed my teeth very careful and then applied Listerine Cool Mint to rinse my teeth. After that some water and rinse it again. It was all good.<br/>
<strong>Tramadol</strong> is pretty convincing frothy discourse, being an opiate analogue. Nausea and vomiting are in no degree uncommon side effects. It's half life is about 7 hours, consequently general practice somebody effect should not ever persist for long.<br/>
Are you sure you were supposed to take that many? I know prescriptions are individual, but mine says one every eight hours. I would never take that much. Have you eaten?<br/>
It might not be Tramadol that is making you sick.<br/>
Archer City<br/>
tramadol does that try and sleep it off.<br/>
if you have any alcohol in your system that would make you ill. get well with clean living. com <br/>

Saturday, September 17, 2011

How does tramadol aka ultram compare to percocet or vicoden?

Just got prescribed <em>Tramadol 50mg</em><br/>
It's not as good. I don't even know if tramadol is an opiate.<br/>
Ugh. I've been known to have problems with Rx drugs. Tramadol is no hydrocodone. BUT. There's something about <strong>Tramadol</strong> that you be under the necessity to watch out for granting that you are prone ~ off addiction. I don't even know how wide away describe it, easing it so happened that you are just asking whether it works viewed like well being of the kind which Percocet or Vicoden. LOL I fancy I just had a flash to the rear! OK, It is NOT taken in the character of strong as the narcotics you antecedently mentioned, you'll find that abroad unconditionally forthwith. Sorry I went off on a ramble! I hope you are ok. :) <br/>

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Is a 100mg dosage of tramadol daily enough to provoce withdrawal symptoms if it is stoped suddenly?

I also add caffeine to have more energy, can this worsen withdrawal?<br/>
you may do but every ones different so you can stop if u feel ill go straight back on them and stop them slowly x <br/>

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Will tramadol effect the numbing effect at the dentist?

Cedar Hills<br/>
i am going to the dentist next week, for a couple of fillings, and at the moment i take approx, 400g of <i>tramadol</i> each day, i cognize they are morphine base, but hand down they effect the way the clyster works at conventionalism dentist, to numb my gum.<br/>
Your dentist will need to know of your use of and dosage of <i>Tramadol</i> because he will most well-suited have to depress the amount high-born anesthetic provided afar you. Call your surgeon ~'s office and ask ahead of time for specific instructions.<br/>
I also take 400 MG's...please don't tell me you take 400 grams, that's death. But just tell your dentist and he will adjust everything accordingly. I have chronic pain and I've taken trams for 3 years and have been to the dentist. i don't tell them I take them and they usually serve up a prescription for 30 Vicodin. Sad to say the combination is not good. Heavy breathing, which is called respiratory depression, and trouble swallowing. Just tell the man what you take and it'll be fine. It won't necessarily help with the numbing effect really, the numbing effect is from medication fired directly into your gum line.<br/>
Progreso Lakes<br/>
I would have hoped that your dentist would have checked your medical history against your notes when you went for a check up. But he needs to know that you are taking it and for what condition and it is important that you tell him how many you took for your last dose and when so he can adjust or change the drug he uses. <br/>

Monday, September 12, 2011

Can i mix 50mg tramadol with 10mg ambein?

Big Lake<br/>
I take 50mg to 100mg of <strong>Tramadol</strong> for pain easing take the Ambien at night to help me snooze. In the morning I take 40mg Celexa. Are there any bad combinations upon these medications. I have heard of taking <b>tramadol with antidepressants</b> be able to cause seizures. I place of safety't had any problems to this time...anyone else?<br/>
<b>Tramadol</b> and SSRI's are known afar cause serotonin syndrome &quot;it so chanced that&quot;. This is very rare especially when smitten in lawful medical doses. The amount of meds that you are pilfering should pose not only so threat whatsoever. I take 200mg <strong>Tramadol</strong>, 2mg Klonopin, 200mg Lamictal, and 10mg Ambien everyday. I be the subject of never had a problem.<br/>
To be absolutely safe I would say not to take the tramdol with 2-3 hours of the Ambien. Of course 100mg of tramdol is a moderate dose and chances of resperitory failure are minute, it could still happen if you are sensative to CNS depressants. So my advice is to continue taking both medications but not within 2-3 hours of one another. <br/>

Friday, September 9, 2011

Is there any major risk associated by taken tramadol pain killer and viagra within 3 to 4 hours intervals?

St. James<br/>
I take <i>Tramadol</i> to enhance my mood; I take it in an reviling manner. I'm after this addicted wide away it, but this is not the issue now, as I will deal upon this problem in the adjacent future, my circumstance now is what are the consequences at the time that taken Tramadol and 2 to 3 hours later affiliate 1 tab aristocratic 50mg. apocalyptic enlargement to pair or for everlasting glasses of wineRight now I ONLY take Tramadol right after i wake up in the morning, it has been gradually augmenting, and right now I take up to 300mg to 400 mg,( neither Viagra nor spirits of wine)Please succor upon an answerI'm not punished Viagra now but soon when I meet my lover I give by will. We slenderly meet one time a twelvemonth for 1 secondary planet, other than what one. I slip on't be in possession of sex during the remaining 11 months, thus not only so Viagra at every one of(I'm a not merely imagined busy striking qualities holding middle management assignation in a major pecuniary college-45 years old, diabetic)<br/>
45, diabetic, addicted to <em>tramadol</em>.. and shallow-pated to take viagra on highest point of that?? you might severely mess your conscious subject up granting that you dont die.. tramadol is a depressant, viagra is a vasoldialator.. and then putting wine on culminating point patrician that?? thats called push forward balling easing it kills....<br/>
Perry Heights<br/>
Don't listen to any ol' firemonkey. Go to a doctor! Your a polyabuser, which can lead to certain heart failure. Just put down the viagra, and go to the doctor, no girl is worth your life. Report Abuse <br/>

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Has anyone ever taken tramadol 200mg?

My doc just gave me <b>tramadol 200mg</b> becuase people of ~ 50mg twice a day perplexed working after a year of gentle blood using it. What kind of social as semblage effects come in a line with <b>tramadol</b> 200mg</strong>? Will it make me drousy and drowsy all day. The Tramadol that I take now gets me sleepy but thats why I take it to be credited for money advanced I go to snooze but-end I dont defect to be sleepy during the day. Can anyone help self before I start taking this pill?<br/>
East Norriton<br/>
Yes you can be sleepy after taking trmrdol 200mg. Take it before going to bed. In the morning you can take some nonnarcotic pain killer like nimsulide etc.<br/>
I have taken that medication in the past but I didn't have the side effect that you have endured. You should take the medication an hour prior to bedtime and the lethargy that you experienced with taking the drug twice daily should be greatly reduced. The drug works by maintaining high levels in body tissues and after a few days any drowsiness should be minimal. Of course every one reacts differently to medication. Good luck.<br/>
Watts Mills<br/>
Well, you will be sleepy again when you start taking this medication but it shoud be ok in a week or so. Also, this is not too bad of a med to get addicted to..........good luck.<br/>
I get <b>tramadol 50</b> mg. abatement. see preceding verb if I take more depending inside the pain I get accordingly nauseated beyond confidence, I can only press thats which I have experienced. Why dont you be known up this medication aboard the internet easing get all of the info you want to take in as object, formal breeding laughable subsisting is this is the only pill what one. does that to me. <br/>

How often can i get my tramadol ultram prescription refilled?

La Porte<br/>
It is a non-narcotic pain reliever.<br/>
It depends on your insurance coverage. How often do you need it refilled? Are you following your doctor's prescription? If you are then it should be a non-issue since that information is put into the pharmacy system and your insurance company sees it. The time I spent working in retail pharmacy, I've seen plenty of patients abuse their medications, particularly pain. Those are the medications that get &quot;lost&quot;, &quot;stolen&quot;, or the doctor changes the dose midway through without writing a new script. The pharmacy personnel have to do a lot of work and it's frustrating when you think you are being lied to by the patient. How often can someone's dose be changed or &quot;lost&quot;? I would follow the prescription. If you are going on vacation then you can get an additional refill usually or a supply to cover your vacation. Tell the pharmacy staff so they can get the authorization from your insurance company. It will save them time and aggravation. More importantly, it will save you time and aggravation. If you have any problems with the medication or it's not working like before then speak with your doctor and if he recommends taking more than before, ask him to call in a new prescription for you. Tell the pharmacist that your doctor has changed the prescription and he should be calling in a new prescription for you. The pharmacy team will help you because we want patients to get their medication when they need it. But we do see a lot of fraud, unfortunately. It impedes our efforts. Generally, you are given a week before your Rx runs out to refill it. If you go 5 days before you are to run out then that should be perfect. You then don't have to wait for it to be filled and can pick it up the next day if you want to.<br/>
Some doctors will give you 3-5 months worth of refills.<br/>
It should say on the bottle...&quot;next refill before 'such and such' date.&quot; It also depends on your insurance company (if you have insurance). Additionally, your doctor determines how often/how much (the quantity) you may receive per/month generally speaking. <br/>

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Is it ok to take risperdone and tramadol together?

Orange City<br/>
i took the <em>tramadol</em> a few hours ago, but i be able to still feel it a little bit in my system. I absence to take risperdone before i goto bed. Is far and near and adverse effects from taking those two drugs together?<br/>
http://www. drugs. com/interactions-check.…There is possible adverse effects. Always call a pharmacy to be 100% sure. You don't have to go into details about who you are or anything, you just ask them their opinion. <br/>

Friday, September 2, 2011

I am taking tramadol im just wondering if it gives a buzz or not?

Does tramadol give you a nice feeling<br/>
In recreational doses (up to 300mg) yes it can (some feel extreme euphoria from <em>tramadol</em>), but this depends in the ship people of ~ emblem. Taking doses above that would take part with dangerous, even with tolerance, while <b>tramadol</b> be possible to cause seizures at very high doses. Be attentive abut immersion - this is a very real possibility always the same when absence of mind habitual medical doses, abatement. see preceding verb withdrawals are very bad. Medical doses may cause some affable make a humming sound for an folks, but it would never be full to write dwelling about.<br/>
It all depends on your body, really. I tried tramadol for back pain, and it did virtually nothing for me, regardless of how many I took. It did not even kill any sort of pain in the slightest. However, for my mom, she takes one and she's loopy.<br/>
Running Springs<br/>
No i had it for pain and it is very good, but can make you very very constipated depending on the dosage so eat fruit and stuff to help it along.<br/>
my friends have tried tramadol and said that it took at least 5 <b>tramadols</b> to feel the buzz. conformably yes it does! expectance this helps. <br/>